martes, 19 de enero de 2021

Natural Science time: Tuesday 19th January 2021

Good morning boys and girls, 
This is our last day at home
We're already back tomorrow 
Remember to wave hello and smile 

Today we have a couple of activities on agenda. 
1st Browse along the unit 3 in your Natural Science book and write a brief index in your notebook, highlighting the main bullets. 
Primero: ojea la unidad 3 del libro y escribe un breve índice en tu cuaderno, marcando los puntos principales  del tema.
2nd Go through the texts in your book and look for the required information to fill in the gaps in this activity. 
Segundo: lee los textos de del libro y busca la información que se pide para rellenar los huecos en esta actividad. 

Send me your pictures: Proferafael@marquesdeleganes,com

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